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Earn your place in your client's inner circle

to continue to do business
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    Trust is one of the prime determinants of buying behaviour.
There's no question about that in the B2B landscape     
Low trust is one of the greatest costs across B2B relationships.
You know the stats. 

More than half of all buyers would prefer to conduct their own product research, than discuss options with a sales rep. 

It’s a behaviour that stems from a deep seated fear of supplier bias.

The idea that you’re selling what’s valuable to you… not necessarily what’s valuable for your client.
Low trust is deceptive - it slows everything down.
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Trust is all about rapport building right?
Yes and no.
We go through five cognitive processes - oftentimes subconsciously - when we’re assessing how trustworthy we believe another person to be.

And we’re significantly more cautious when we're committing money, or our own personal credibility.
As a seller, you can harmonize these five cognitive processes.

Your behaviour, language and tone speak volumes - above and beyond your corporate message.
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Low trust is one of the greatest costs across B2B relationships.

You know the stats. 

More than half of all buyers would simply prefer to conduct their own product research, than discuss options with a sales rep. 

It’s a behaviour that stems from a deep seated fear of supplier bias.

The idea that you’re selling what’s valuable to you… not necessarily what’s valuable for your client.
Low trust is deceptive - it slows everything down.
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Atomic Content

Essent accumsan invidunt in pri. Pri enim tincidunt no, ubique doming expetenda te mei. Forensibus voluptaria efficiantur sed ut, mei unum volumus ad.

Sint oratio at per, diam saepe dicam ei sea. At civibus appetere cum, quem habeo in. Eam modo apeirian te, ut altera iisque evertitur sit. Cu saperet inermis aliquando nam, per impetus qualisque interesset ex, vix at omittantur instructior disputationi.


Atomic Content

Essent accumsan invidunt in pri. Pri enim tincidunt no, ubique doming expetenda te mei. Forensibus voluptaria efficiantur sed ut, mei unum volumus ad.

Sint oratio at per, diam saepe dicam ei sea. At civibus appetere cum, quem habeo in. Eam modo apeirian te, ut altera iisque evertitur sit. Cu saperet inermis aliquando nam, per impetus qualisque interesset ex, vix at omittantur instructior disputationi.